Recently I've had cause to take a closer look at myself, and at some of the beliefs I've allowed to influence that self and the esoteric techniques I've been using to get in touch with mySelf (or is it ourself, in Jj's excellent formulation?) What I'm talking about here is the Hathors, and their Holon of Ascension, which as I mentioned in the last post I've been practicing diligently, attempting to master the technique in preparation for the Planetary version this coming Sunday.
Well, Visible read that post too and with the single comment, "Interesting that these people you refer to are meeting in Seattle on the Weekend," touched off the re-examination I mentioned. Because, you see, there's been a lot of bad, weird energy swirling about Seattle recently, with some speculation that it's the - or one of the - sites for the Event we all know is in the works, and likely sooner rather than later. Now maybe it's coincidence that this gathering is being held in Seattle and maybe it's not, and if it's not it still doesn't follow than anything negative is involved. The Event itself, after all, will involve the release of considerable negative energy and perhaps Seattle was chosen as the gathering site in order to at least partially neutralize whatever it is that's coming down the pike.
Now, I haven't been too sure myself of the Hathors and that's right from the beginning. I've always been leary of channeled information, at least initially, but the Hathors seemed to be more or less in line with the information that was coming from those entities referring to themselves as the Pleiadians and the Cassipaeans, as well as with the nameless creatures who (might have) penned the Handbooks. They're somewhat more vague, yes, but then again the messages are considerably more compact and so a certain degree of vagueness seems necessary. What information is there doesn't seem to contradict what I've found elsewhere, and so, I've been inclined to trust it.
Perhaps, however, I've been too hasty. It wouldn't be the first time and probably won't be the last that I've jumped in without looking closely enough and, thus, gotten myself into a spot of trouble or caused some damage I might otherwise have avoided.
But I thought they were telling the truth? Well, so far as I can tell, they are. That does not, however, automatically get us out of the woods, so to speak. How can I put this? Think of a lighthouse. The beacon it puts out is real enough, but how can you know that it wasn't deliberately placed in order to lead your ship onto some rocks? Ahhh, that's the trick.
Here's the thing: any source even initially worth your consideration will tell you straight up that the best misinformation will consist of a whole lot of truth wrapped around a single, very significant lie, like a cyanide pill stuffed into a thanksgiving turkey. Whatever truth is included is strictly for the purposes of delivering the payload, namely the lie, and that lie if accepted unexamined will get you every time. This is why discernment - listening to the heart's reaction - is so crucially important, and that's something else that any source even initially worth your consideration will not fail to emphasize. Trust, but verify ... and sometimes you have to verify within.
So where does that leave us with Tom Kenyon's Hathors? Do I have any proof that they're cosmic COINTELPRO? Well, no, I don't, nothing damning at any rate. But ... one thing that's crossed my mind is that there is absolutely nothing analogous to the Hathors 'holons' in any other channeled sources. And this might be significant.
For anyone who hasn't bothered reading the Hathors' messages, a Holon (in their formulation) is essentially a thought-form that you create around yourself, with different forms having different effects. There's the Holon of Healing (a sort of streamlined dolphin-like shape), the Holon of Balance (an octohedron), and the Holon of Ascension (a rotating disk with the rim at eye level and the axis connecting perineum to BA, a point above the head where the hands would meet.) The Holon of Healing is meant to increase immune system function, the Holon of Balance supposedly helps keep energies and thoughts balanced in chaotic situations, and the Holon of Ascension is intended to charge up the KA, or etheric body, by creating a vortex of thought-energy and sending up feelings of appreciation for the good things in ones life.
So, that's all very well and good, yes? And maybe the whole point of the Hathors was to deliver those Holons to humanity, which they claim to be very simple, yet highly effective techniques and practices. That 'simple yet effective' formulation sets alarm bells ringing, now that I think about it, bells that should have rung quite some time ago but ... C'est la vie. You see, if those methods are so simple and effective, then why weren't they mentioned by any of the previous sources? Sources whose information runs into the hundreds of pages.
Lets have a look at those Holons, forgetting for a moment what the Hathors say they do and considering only their forms. The Holon of Balance, for instance ... 12 bars of light arranged in an octohedron ... might it not also be a jail cell? And the Holon of Ascension, which involves sending feelings of appreciation to a point just above ones head whilst sitting in the middle of a rotating disk ... might this not also be a great way for an entity to suck up emotional energies from a subject no longer available as a source of fear-food? In that context I have noticed, myself, that on those occasions when the H of A seems to have been performed 'successfully', I'm left with a curious emptiness. Everything inside goes dark, and ... it becomes very difficult to appreciate anything.
Something to think about. And that's the spirit it's intended in. I'm certainly not going to tell you 'don't trust Tom Kenyon!' because I don't know. For myself, however, I think I'm going to discontinue this business with Holons and let my practices become less defined and more intuitive, because the one way I can be sure I'm not being manipulated is to follow only those practices that grow naturally from within.
"Here is A Little Introspective about President Trump... Elon Musk...
Ketamine and God. Yes... Especially About God."
God Poet Transmitting.......
Time for a particular strain of Truth. It is my aspiration to tell the
truth, even though that is really not possible... wi...
1 day ago
I think any external route is bound to lead to a million more lifetimes.
As you say what rises within is worth following nothing else.
And I do believe that congratulations are in order.
Three cheers my friend.
I'm constantly humbled by the wisdom of the rest of the tribe. Well, I'm it's youngest member, I think, so ... it's to be expected.
I think this is a very good idea. Checked with psychic buddy and he says that the energy was being sucked up.
I'm gonna agree wholeheartedly with susana here. Not only because that is what is being indicated to me personally, but because it is the most logical approach.
"Hey kid, wanna go get some ice cream?" almost cost me my life once.
I would encourage you to simply pay attention to the results of any practice, and feeling "empty" might be a big clue.
But actually, I know absolutely nothing about any of this, so PLEASE don't listen to me.
But allow me to say "congrats" as well!
There is a lot of hooey out there. Some stuff is immediately chuckable, and some seems good until I stumble across a passage that seems to say "it's okay to die! Because we're all going to be beings of light!" It leaves me wondering if they're on a processed soy-protein diet and don't know that they're allergic to the substance. I am myself, and when I've eaten a lot, I really don't feel like I'm on the planet. (And as a Pisces, let me just say that this is a really bad situation.)
I have read the Hathors off and on, and truth be told, I don't know either. Some things resonate, but then again the idea of the prison cell does seem "matrix-y." I've not gotten the best hits off D. Melchizedek either.
I find David Icke confusing btw. I understand that we, as sexual beings, can be manipulated this way and that, but I wonder if he sees a lot of nefariousness around gays and lesbians that is totally not, because of some unaddressed programming toward homophobia that is lodged in his own shadow material. Fwiw, I can barely go to b/c there is unchecked and virulent homophobia there, which makes me think some sisters DOTH protest too much.
(Off in a distance, a macaw-SPRAAAWKER goes "Makow! Makow!")
That disclaimer you mentioned is key, together with the disclaimers about predictions and prophecies that sometimes they are propounded so that they DON'T come true (albeit only if enough people might change their actions).
Gregg Braden and others say it's really about the heart ultimately. I also like to think of the tarot image of the Prince of Cups from the Cosmic Tribe deck. Interestingly the subject is the artist himself (Stevee Postman), standing naked in a lotus holding a cup that is catching inspiration from a portal in the universe.
We are each of us the anima mundi, the World Tree connecting mother earth with the Star energies, we are both stellar and terrestrial, Dian-y-Glas and Shaitan, Eagle and Serpent and Peacock divine unity of both.
The part of the Hathors that is useful, and I'm sure some of it is, will be that which you take. Leave the rest, just as any Al-Anon meeting will tell you...
Thanks, man, outside confirmation is always good to have. If you're the same anon who contacted earlier, allow me to extend my apologies for leading you astray by recommending the practice ... and if not, well, hopefully that guy reads this post too.
Heh, that reminds me of why my Dad stopped hitchhiking. The driver (a male) made a pass at him ... now, my dad's a big guy, who's been in the army his entire adult life and a cop for a large part of it, so I said, "Why didn't you just drop him?" Because he is scary. He gave me a funny look and said "I was 15."
The moral being, in this story and perhaps for the thread as a whole, perverts and perversions prey on the immature. But they also serve the purpose of hastening the maturation process, for those who are lucky enough to escape with their lives, that is.
I haven't looked too deeply into Icke. What I have seen seems to line up pretty well with what other sources say, and while I can't always endorse his approach - or his focus - I cut him a lot of slack for being mostly on target and a lot earlier than almost anyone else on the planet at this time. The C's give him a lot of grief for not being analytical enough, but analysis is their genius and ... guy's a football player, so what do you expect?
All that said I imagine you're a lot more sensitive towards homophobic behaviour and ... I'm not sure what to tell you about that. I haven't noticed it elsewhere myself, but then I'm not looking, and, to be honest, I wouldn't be at all surprised because to be perfectly frank I've got issues there myself so I'd expect a lot of others do as well.
I don't want that to queer (teehee ... sorry) things between us because I really value our interactions ... you manage to say ten fascinating things in the space it takes me to squeeze out one. But, I don't like hiding things from people. That said, at least I know I have those issues, and they're issues that I am working on, just as I'm slowly chipping away at all the unexamined crud that's built up in my shadow over the lifetimes.
Oh, and btw, I rarely go to rense myself, though more because I don't fully trust him. Just a feeling I get....
If you don't get it from other peoples words, what words do you tell yourself it should be, is, or might be?--
Let the words go--they can't describe it--
Don't try to define to yourself what that glimpse (and it starts as a glimpse) is/was--just know it is--It's in the knowing--
Operating in a non-linguistic context is something I've been experimenting a lot with ... still very difficult for me, though, especially the 'letting go' aspect where I just sort of exist. It's certainly something I'm aiming towards ... though of course aiming is the wrong thing to be doing but ... well, I'll get there, in my own time (and no doubt realize I've been there all along).
"Just sort of exist" or "live your life with passion"--
I know, what do you do when you just exist--sounds boring--but then again, "passion" sounds like it takes too much energy--see, there we go again--as with most things, it's in the letting go, and not in the attaining--when we let go, we open up space, or clear the windshield and things we never noticed before are seen--actually, we have seen them, just not acknowledged them with grace, honor, and joy--
Just get as close as you can with the words--the rest of us can fill in the blanks with a knowing smile--or a holy shit, never heard it ut that way--different things resonate with different people--On some level, which still may be my mind--I think that some people are warriors, some poets, artists, nurturers, etc--a need for all--and an appreciation of each others talents/gifts--I see so much growth in these blogs, some more than others, but always growth--sweet--don't try to measure who is ahead or who is behind--we are all where we are--for now--
eternity is not endless time, it is no time--
Just passin' through on my way to nowhere.
I read where if you think you're enlightened, go spend a weekend with your parents--?
"I read where if you think you're enlightened, go spend a weekend with your parents--?"
Hahahahahaha so true. I live with my parents and so I live that truth every day ... dealing with my father's intransigent cognitive dissonance is an exercise in patience and allowance ... meanwhile my mother constantly surprises me with her low-key seemingly effortless wisdom.
Not, mind you, that I think I'm enlightened....
As usual Jj I could have picked any given sentence from that and riffed off an essay ... but I don't think that's necessary. I'll just let those words stand on their own and do their magic.
Good to hear that you don't like Rense much either. There's some sort of unspoken and rampant psychopathia there. I surf there every once in awhile. For some reason, Carolyn Baker has it as a link on her site.
The whole culture we live in has issues of homophobia. I'm GLAD you're honest about it. I'm gay and grew up in the compulsory-het world of pre-Columbine Littleton, (which iss probably better than post-Columbine Littleton) and have I got issues? Lots of purification work to do, yessireebob. Still, I'm grateful my parents told me they'd disown me because they loved me--it was the beginning of my journey to see through the ILL-usions that bekrank us.
Btw, may I also offer this blessing to you, in the spirit of joy and divine connection?: May your sexual potency increase! (Random acts of being a sex-fairy are here to help the whole race and brighten one's soul-alignments.)
Hehe about that blessing ... your timing on that couldn't have been better. You're going to love the next post ;)
Littleton, eh? There was a certain factory near there ... did you ever see a nuclear warhead being carried down the street on a flatbed?
I started to read your story a few times. I keep getting distracted--sorry. But it looks way interesting.
Gregg Braden has a new book out called "Fractal Time." It's rather interesting in light of the stuff you're talking about.
As to missiles, well I did hear about such things, but never saw one myself. Indeed certain defense contracting corpseorations did work in the southeastern Denver metro area. "Luchatown" was a rather odd place, all things considered.
Thanks for the heads-up on the book! I'll have to check it out. Braden is a very interesting thinker.
I'm actually very interested to hear your reaction to this new post. So make it snappy! ;)
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