Anyone who's ever looked into novelty theory - you know, Terrence McKenna's theoretical exposition underlying and centered around the (in)famous Timewave Zero program that first and most famously highlighted the possible importance of the date 2012/02/21, at least for those of us in the West - has doubtlessly come across the concept that time is fractal, that is, that rather than being simply a featureless metric against which the accumulation of history is measured, it has a certain structure to it, one in which similar archetypal patterns of events repeat in a self-similar (though not identical) pattern at all scales of time. Thus, for example, the rise and fall of an empire might be reflected in the story of a business mogul's life or the events of a single day. Of course, it's possible that you've never heard of McKenna or the Timewave but have noticed this very same dynamic on your own, simply through observing history, and if that's the case then my hat goes off to you as being a profoundly observant and original thinker.
At any rate, this past Sunday I was given a vivid demonstration of this dynamic, in the context of what I believe to be a very important life lesson. It was nothing so grand as the rise and fall of a great empire, mind; but it was for me something just as significant. You see, I experienced a recapitulation of my entire romantic life in the space of a single day, and if you follow along with this piece you'll learn more than you've ever known about me. Quite possibly far more than you wanted to know for things may come out here that may well change how you view me, aspects of my shadow self that I myself prefer not to dwell on though I am, of course, quite aware of and ... in the final analysis, it is perhaps best to be fully open about. For concealment, after all, is the very definition of lying and lies are not what this blog is about although they are of great relevence to this particular post.
Let me define terms, here. By 'romantic life' I really mean, the ways in which I've interacted and can interact with the female energy of the cosmos.
Backing up a bit ... for some time now I've had a profile up at a certain large dating site. A month or two ago I updated it, for the first time in a long time, in order to let the ladies know I no longer lived in Tokyo and of course to change my profile information to more accurately describe the person I'd come to be at that point. I searched a couple of time, finding two lovely young women who seemed in many ways exactly what I was looking for, but neither of them replied to my overtures and for the most part I simply kept an eye on anyone who viewed my profile or whoever the algorithms determined I was a good match with (and which determinations were, as a rule and not at all unsurprisingly, utterly worthless.)
Now, I know what you're thinking. Come on, man, a dating website? Really? Don't you know how dodgy those things are?
Well, yes I do know as a matter of fact, and of course also knew, and realizing the deeper reasons for why that's the case is a large part of what the lesson was but I'll be getting to that.
Of course, using an online dating service is mark of desperation, isn't it? Well, it has been a long time, and especially so since I had a real relationship with emotional and spiritual levels of committment and so admittedly I had reached a certain point of, not despair so much as a deep and aching loneliness.
I haven't been limiting myself to a dating website, of course. Though I'm also not in a position to really go looking for a mate, isolated as I am for the most part in cottage country. However, that's no reason no to be proactive about things, and so it was sometime in the past month that I sat down one night and defined, for myself, my ideal mate. Not in overly specific terms, or at least I don't think so, but rather, in broad outlines, I described to myself the kind of person - body, mind and soul - that I wished to meet. Since then, periodically, she (whoever she may be) has come to me in the midst of my meditations (or prayers? Increasingly I make little distinction) usually at my own behest but sometimes at her own. I've seen her, seen flashes of our life together drawn in the holographic imaging system of the imagination, whilst feeling our love radiate from my heart to suffuse every moment with a its glow.
And so, of course, I set in motion the process by which the world will guide us together, knowing not when or how it will happen, simply that it will. Until such a time and for such a one I'm 'saving myself' as the euphamism goes amongst those who most often call themselves Saved, for when I meet her I want there to be nothing standing between us.
It was with this in mind that I found myself on a date this past Sunday. I found her, of course, through the aforementioned dating site and this was by stumbling upon her picture whilst searching for a suitable candidate from amidst a seemingly endless parade of deeply uninteresting faces. I was reviewing another - her friend - and saw a blurb she had written at the bottom extolling the friend's virtues and, intrigued, clicked through to see her own profile. Her picture was quite attractive and there were aspects of her profile that triggered a certain 'button' within my sexual psyche that I'm hesitant to discuss, whose disclosure I've been mulling over for some time and am currently with some difficulty forcing myself to get out because it is, I believe, of some relevence to this tale and ... I'd rather this kind of thing was revealed by my own hand, for it's utility as a potential weapon is in that way largely nullified ... and its efficacy in healing is that much more enhanced. That, and it's a quarter past two in the morning, a fine hour of the day for rash disclosures.
Well, now that I've got you all squirming in your seats wondering what terrible grinning skeleton I'm about to jerk out of the closet and and commence a macabre dance ... What, you are asking yourselves, is the big secret?
This kind of thing turns me on.
Now some of you are no doubt disgusted (as a part of my own personality is.) Others are bemused. Still others are probably chuckling to themselves thinking, 'that's all?' while others - those who know me, perhaps, in on offline context - are thinking, ah-hah! That explains some things that didn't make any sense before. It's a rare and odd kink, I know, and not something I'm proud of ... its origins and significance I've only recently started to come to terms with, though it springs from an early experience so deep and overwhelming that its effects on my psyche may well never be fully dealt with. There are quite a bit of things I could go into in that direction but it is beyond the scope of this current post and so, I'll just leave the map that territory undrawn for now and get on with the story.
So, the profile of this woman pushed that button; what was of course just as important, she seemed attractive enough; from the information available her personality seemed congenial enough and so the combination of these influences was enough to motivate me to forgive the small defect 'a few extra pounds' ('a few' to me suggesting just what it is, a numeric and not a literal handful) and the observation that she was not, perhaps, as activated a person as I might have liked (which observation later led me to have the premonition that our paths were meant to intersect perhaps precisely so my influence might help begin the process of her own activation.) I sent her a message, to which she replied; the flirtation moved to instant messaging; and before long, a date was settled upon. Throughout this she seemed perfectly charming, and my beguilement grew to a pitch of anticipation. Perhaps, I dared myself to speculate, she might be the one?
Of course I knew it would not be, as one so often does, and yet I did not listen to that inner voice and so ... the lesson began.
The night before, I slept at a friends' place, and began the day with them and their two children, a one year old boy and a four year old girl. Their daughter is a wonderful, bright, enthusiastic energetic and sunny child that I get along with effortlessly in a sort of 'cool uncle' mode, and whenever I go over there we inevitably spend some time playing together. Thus my morning featured a miniature recapitulation of my own childhood relationship with females, the uncomplicated and innocent mutual pursuit of simple fun and laughter. That the parents are high school friends of mine - and the father, an elementary school friend (with whom I spent the rest of the morning playing Magic: The Gathering, the sort of activity I loved as a child) the sense that the morning was in many ways symbolic of my childhood becomes for me even stronger.
Afternoon, of course, came, and with it the lunch date. My friends drove me into town, I bid them goodbye and went on my way to the pub, where I waited until she arrived, centering myself and going through a chakra-opening visualization in order that I might be fully centered when she came and....
She'd warned me she was short, which she was, but were you to balance us on a scale I believe she'd likely tip me in the air. I am not by any means small, so that perhaps gives you some idea. There was in addition a mustache and a hairy mole, neither of which were present in any of the (apparently dated) pictures just as the gap between every single tooth had been so artfully concealed. Of course the back of my mind immediately went into overdrive, alert for any way to draw the encounter to a close at the earliest graceful opportunity. At the same time another part of me was struck speechless, for not two days before I'd emphasized to her, over MSN, the importance to me of truth, as a principal (perhaps she'd thought I'd just been saying it because I liked the sound of the word?)
In keeping with the theme of this essay, let me mention that my first sexual experience (not my first girlfriend, mind you) was with a girl whose face was not at all unattractive, but who was quite ... husky and whom I selected as a vessel with which to put an end to my virginity due primarily to adolescent desperation. In retrospect that was a poor choice whose consequences lingered for quite some time, and my encounter with this woman was a stark reminder of that episode, though thankfully confined to an hour and a half rather than months.
Well, we finished our food - and she is lucky to have gotten my company for even that duration, for many men would not have given her even that much after their expectations were so betrayed, and one of my friends went so far as to say that she would have simply stated 'Sorry, wrong person', gotten up and left - after which I made up an excuse and fled, regrouping shortly after at my sister's house where, upon stepping in the front door, I learned that my presence was urgently required at the artists' coop where she works. Thus drafted and so with no time to mope I went over to the store, where I spent the next few hours lifting heavy things, sawing wood, and helping the artists to redecorate.
As soon as I walked in the door my sister asked, of course, how the date had gone and at my curt reply one of her friends looked over, our eyes met and a spark that I felt through my whole being seemed to jump through our gaze. I was instantly certain the attraction was mutual and over the next few hours casual touch and verbal flirtation more than confirmed that intuition. An interesting thing was that the pull was so strong that although the little button I mentioned earlier wasn't being pushed, I couldn't have cared less and ... when I later found out that she did push that button, it seemed the most natural thing, given everything about her, a normal outgrowth of who she was and thus nothing at all to be ashamed of.
In virtually every way this amazing young woman lived up to the 'ideal', as I've conceived it. Self-actualized, creative, intuitive, independent, wise beyond her years and in my eyes very attractive. That said she is also 19 and lives with her mother a fair distance from me (who in turn lives with his parents) so I don't expect anything to happen between us however ... the very fact of her age is perhaps significant because in this tale she stands in for my second girlfriend and first love, who embodied and expressed many of the same virtues, albeit in a less developed or conscious fashion (and whom I expect was in many ways perhaps a reverse temporal echo of the woman I will, I am more sure now than ever, be united ... or is it reunited? No telling what has happened in previous rounds through the material plane....)
Now, let's review. There is a key point that is being illustrated here, which is quite obvious I think once you see it, but which I want to emphasize. In the former case, I went looking for a certain set of attributes, and as a result creations of artifice lodged as figments in my imagination and I was led down a primrose path towards a dead end of disappointment. In the second, I met entirely by chance, while not looking for anything at all, a far more congenial dance partner who expressed all the attributes I am looking for, with whom our interactions and discoveries were in every respect both spontaneous and delightful. The lesson I think is a clear one: essentially, Life was telling me that the way I am going to find my soul mate is not by looking for her, but simply by being so clear about who she is that when fate draws us together I will know, well free of any creeper of doubt, that this is the One.
The story is not over yet, for our ways parted for the night long before the night, for me, was over, and I found myself at a small housewarming party whose hostess was a graduate student, slightly older than myself. She'd completely remodelled the interior of the house so that the living room was dominated not by a ring of couches around a screen but by a bar and its surrounding stools, behind which she stood for most of the evening mixing a drink I dubbed the sangrita (wine mixed with frozen organic fruit.) A few of her friends, other grad students from the same department, were present at the intimate gathering and as the ice was broken I had the opportunity of several fascinating and enlightening discussions that have strengthened my certainty in an oncoming intellectual revolution within the moribund departments of an academia fragmented by hyperspecialization, whose various incoherent disciplines profer understandings of the world that offer fantastic detail on their own but taken together make no sense at all ... an intellectual (or is it a spiritual?) revolution understood in its principls if not all of its details by many if not all of the fine minds that grace this blog with their readership, and whose nature I will thus say no more about here.
One by one those friends of hers left (at each occasion, the hostess or one of the other remaining revelers would ring a fire bell, for she seemed determine to alienate every property-value conscious yuppie neighbor within earshot ... blind as they are to the essential part people such as her play in the gentrification without which their property values would go nowhere) and as if I'd passed a test by earning at least the tentative intellectual respect of her friends I found myself in conversation with the hostess herself. Her head was shaved, and full sleeves of ink coverded both arms, a butch appearance that takes a great deal of courage for a woman to adopt (yes, it does take courage, even if she's a lesbian ... which she might be and ... well, some of my best friends are lesbians....) Beneath that appearance, as though deliberately concealed, lay a striking beauty, and as it transpired she was also entirely brilliant, not to mention aware and activated in a way few yet are. We made contact very quickly at a level that was more spiritual than physical, and before long I found myself slightly besotted (and yes, both of us were also a bit sotted, myself only a bit and her more than that but not at all to the point of embarrasment.)
You'll have noticed perhaps that I failed totally to mention a certain hot button issue ... and here, too, there was a lesson, a certain emphasis upon the crucial importance of careful attention to the deeper issues of the soul, of the necessity of looking beneath surface appearances and moving beyond the mere physical reactions of chemistry in order to make space for the more refined actions of alchemy. The former is a necessary precursor, of course, for the latter to take place but ... it cannot be the sole or even primary focus.
Thus it is that this fascinating woman represents, perhaps, some taste of what the future has in store for me and that, my dear and patient readers, is the story of how I was given a recapitulation of the significant features of my romantic history within a single day. I'm still reeling from it all myself as you can no doubt tell however ... I also feel that I have learned a great deal, or at the very least gained some small grains of wisdom with which to continue the quest that this aspect of my life has been and for now continues to be.
And that, I think, seems a good place to wrap this up.
"Here is A Little Introspective about President Trump... Elon Musk...
Ketamine and God. Yes... Especially About God."
God Poet Transmitting.......
Time for a particular strain of Truth. It is my aspiration to tell the
truth, even though that is really not possible... wi...
1 day ago
it's hard to think of you in those, online matches, mustachioed-hairy-moled women, etc. of course you are like all the rest of us with many different aspects which make up the whole of you. but the deeply political and achingly spiritual being you convey with your writings makes this piece hard to read.
i'm sorry, but you just seem above all that stuff. and i know that's cruel to say being that you're single and longing for a beloved. but i think you're right about not searching, but allowing your beloved to come to you.
if you continue to envision her, feel love for her, and act as though she's already in your life, giving thanks and feeling great joy and appreciation, you won't have to wait very long. just be sure not to cancel out your creation by allowing any negative or disbelieving thoughts into your mind.
Your frustration in having to look at me in those terms is easy to sympathize with. I myself wrote that post only with great difficulty, and I imagine certain parts of it may even have been painful to read but ... they are aspects of myself that it's not right to hide. Still, you made the effort to comment, and did so with aplomb if I must say so myself. So far you're the only one, too, and I know that's not because you're not the only one to read it and so, thank you. I bared myself here and it stings a bit to have it go unanswered but ... I rather expected that. Difficult things take time.
You say I 'just seem above all that that stuff' and I suppose that's exactly the bubble this post was designed to pop because of course I am not. We are all of us gods and all of us nothing but atoms and we are everything in between. So is everything else but what makes humans unique is that they can Realize this in the space of a single lifetime (though of course, few do. As for myself I am a 28 year old post-adolescent male whose own 'spiritual awakening' didn't start to occur in earnest until less than a year ago and for whom the unveiling began only a year before that. As a result of having spent most of my life asleep my head has been messed with by a great number of agencies whose existence I never so much as suspected, and one of the things I'm in the process of doing right now is identifying 'where' I've been messed with and then attempting to write a patch for that bug.
I'm about as far down the spiral staircase as you can be and still be walking up it, or it least it seems that way sometimes so ... best to take me as what I am, in many ways just as mystified as you and simply trying to understand (if that's the right word) who I am and what my purpose is. As you say, I'm just like the rest of us and I would add, so it is not right that I stand on any sort of pedestal.
thank you for your thoughtful response. of course, you are like the rest of us and showing this side of you had to be painful. but i have a question--what does it do for you, to expose every part of you to perfect strangers? what's the feeling, if not testing your courage and bravery?
i know that i am impressed with that courage, but also curious as to what the motivating force is. if you say it's getting to know yourself, then why can't you do that by talking to friends or writing in a private diary?
you have such an incredible gift in your communication and writing skills, it makes sense that you share this with the world.
anyhow, i could keep going with this comment, but i'll stop here as it would be great to hear back from you.
I suppose I would have to say that in the end it comes down to being truthful and lying. I try to do the former here and keeping an aspect of oneself secret to everyone but oneself is, I believe, a form of lying, because it is creating an inaccurate picture of you in the minds of others and that, after all, is what a lie is.
I'm not just being virtuous for the sake of it, however.
Have you ever seen 8 Mile? You know the scene at the end where Eminem gets up on stage for the final battle and, instead of dissing the other guy as is traditional (and getting creamed because there was a lineup of black freestylers just salivating to take down the white boy), he instead disses himself in every possible worst way and does it with greater skill than any of his opponents can muster, thus leaving their attack plan in ruins and leaving them open for the killing stroke?
Keep that image in mind.
The thing about a lie is, it improves things in the short run but in the long run has a corrosive effect within that - when it is inevitably revealed as falsehood - extends its corrosion the trust built up in one's relationships. Lets say I continue to blog here for a long time, and perhaps build up a small audience and begin to become a force to be reckoned with in my own right, as a rallying point in the spiritual war we are waging if nothing else. Now, this is being conducted largely on the internet, yes? And it is of course through the internet that I find my particular subgenre of pornography.
Now we all know the internet is - at the top levels - controlled by unfriendly agencies who know anything about us they want to know, and should I become a threat to them they could do untold damage to any network I'd built up by revealing my shameful little kink (for so it would seem) to all and sundry at a point of their choosing. The mere threat of that is enough to keep a lot of powerful and influential people in mind, and if you've ever heard the term 'pedophocracy' you know far more than you ever probably wanted to about that particular dirty secret. Of course I haven't been carving up prepubescent girls with a boxcutter and then sticking my tumescent member in the wounds but, let me assure you, I am ashamed enough of my own slightly twisted sex drive that the principle of blackmail would have been very similar.
However. Now, by my own hand it's out and while it will no doubt cause some measure of chaos one thing I've learned is that a little chaos earlier on saves a lot more down the line. I just realized while replying to your first comment, for instance, that the unveiling/awakening process I've gone through, along with so many others, is very much analogous to our having our own individual apocalypses and raptures of the psyche, ones that preempt the planned physical process in the world and, thus, give us a chance of transcending it.
To sum up: if you ally yourself with truth, you cannot live a lie for the longer you do so, well ... you get the picture.
Psychegram, I see from the exchange with the anonymous poster that what you posted was indeed courageous. Having come through 12 Step work and coming to understand that acceptance is the answer to all of my problems and that I myself need to open a space of trust for others--and may I say that in posting your fractal date, you are doing the same--it never occurred to me as I read your story that this was a vulnerable-making thing you did. But this exchange makes me aware of how it could be interpreted based on others' perceptions and "issues," and you are indeed a brave warrior putting it out there.
In my spiritual practice, I need to purify myself daily of fear, shame and guilt. I also need to cleanse anger, righteousness, jealousy and insecurity, along with mistrust and self-doubt, and susceptibility to belief in lies of all sorts. In my practice, I also believe that all acts of love are sacred, which was why I sent you the blessing on a previous thread. We all have our kinks.
I'm only saying this because we gay and lesbian folk are mostly more understanding of the various ways people are constructed. I was told a most upfucked lie when I was 18, that love was to be disowned if I was who I was. That apocalypse was mighty strong, but it didn't dislodge me from my essential truth of my self-understanding, and I have somehow held on to my soul through thick and thin.
I say this to suggest you find a way to cleanse yourself of your shame. You said we are gods and atoms and everything in between--indeed. Who is the flower above your head, and what is your work as this God? Would you know yourself in all your parts? Just asking...
All that said, bravo. I was much moved by your story. And for grins, you might check out Gregg Braden's new book "Fractal Time." It just came out last week, I believe.
I'll certainly be checking out Braden's book. I've listened to interviews with him and seen a few videos and he really is a most extraordinarily interesting man. I sometimes get the sense that he's not, perhaps, aware enough of the depth of evil in this world but ... though at the same time, perhaps he is only too aware of it and knows better than most the path we must take to transcend it, and that his part in this drama is to help show the way more than to sound the alarm (which function is being well provided by a vast and cacophonous multitude as it is.)
Transcending it ... that's one of themes here, I think. What you say about losing the shame is of course very true, and you'd think I'd've done it already. The ex-girlfriend I mentioned, my first and so far only taste of love, was of course hurt when she found out not through me but through the sudden discovery of my 'stash' on the computer. "Why did you never tell me?" -sheepish shrug- "Um.... because you'd think I was weird?" And she laughed ... long and hard. I turned red. And our relationship became that much stronger (though not, in the end, strong enough, alas).
Well, that was a first step taken long ago but it's a long journey between knowing not everyone will judge you and not caring the slightest if anyone does, but I'm reaching a point now where that's increasingly the case for me and if I can apply that in this specific case everything else will fall right into place with the greatest of ease, in that respect.
I'm remembering your words here about the possible implications of those 5 buzzards on the hilltop....
Well. And I can't very well hope to maintain the vibration that will attract my soul mate to me whilst still harboring shame for the shape of my psyche's connection to shakti, can I?
Thanks, Frostwolf. Your words as always are a balm.
And Fractal Time is on its way....
so, psychegram, by exposing your deepest secrets, you feel you could never be blackmailed by the overlords, so to speak. and you feel that if you don't reveal them, then you are lying. did i get that right?
and yes, i suppose that is true. they watch what you say online and they watch what you do in your personal life. if it doesn't match, if your readers don't know your "dark" side, they can win the game. but what is the game? why are we here?
i've heard so many different thoughts, ideas, philosophies, stories. amidst them all, we do know that there are folks who don't think, act, love, care like us. their goals center around power and greed and they seem to care little for human suffering other than it feeding their hunger.
what are we supposed to do when they take over our world and complete their plans? is having loving compassion for them the way out? they think they are doing what is right and we think we are doing what is right, but they seem to have all the pieces in place to realize their goals. they have a hive mentality, we have individual mentalities. is it possible to live together harmoniously?
also, i've heard that when humans heal our victim mentality, we will no longer need to have victimizers. do you see that happening in this lifetime?
You've heard correctly, my anonymous friend. Once we lose our victim mentality, and begin taking individual responsibility for our lives, well, the detailed plans that have been laid for us will be shredded like the paper tiger they are.
It depends on what you mean by 'compassion'. If you interpret it as, 'allow them to follow the path they have chosen', namely the abuser side of the victim-abuser relationship, then yes, compassion is the proper way to deal with such people. I look on them in somewhat the same way I regard dangerous animals: it is not for me to say that they should not exist, but I certainly will not put myself in their path nor leave myself open to their predations.
It looks hopeless now, yes. They have all the power, or so it appears ... at any rate they have the money, the guns, the technological infrastructure and every institution the species has created. And we have ... what? A handful of misfits who have dared to question their realities and begin freeing their minds. But ... you've seen the Matrix, I'm sure (and if you haven't ... !!!???) Doesn't get much more underdog than that.
It's important to keep in mind that their takeover of our world is nearing its high water mark, and that while they certainly expect to submerge us, the truth is they won't. Not only will their plans fail, they've already begun to. And if you doubt that, just start living your life - if only within your own mind - as though their power over you was as illusory as it in fact is, and ... you'll see for yourself what I mean, and sooner rather than later thanks to the conscious energies boiling over at this world age transition. Masses of people waking up in this fashion, truly experiencing their lives from and through themselves, are how the Plan will be beaten.
wow, you are certainly an inspiration, psychegram! and yes, i've seen the matrix...multiple times. waking up is the first step, unplugging and deprogramming is next. and that can be a long process. although i haven't been part of an individual mind control experiment, i have been a part of this society and have been programmed just like all of the masses. those programs are what i'm looking at de-programming now.
music has been huge in my life, but now i know that it's had powerful programming effects on me, my psyche, my spirit, the way i think, the way i act, what i accept, what i don't accept, and more. the cultural programming, the male/female programming, the physical attractiveness programming, the sexuality programming, the educational programming, the religious programming, and more.
i was wondering why i was so interested in that topic--thinking i was studying what these poor experimental subjects went through. and of course, i'm led to it because i needed to know that i carry programming, too.
what has my curiosity piqued now regarding that is what do we do and how are we when we've unplugged and completely de-programmed? are we still in this 3rd density earth or elsewhere? how would we see things--like one of those indian gurus, completely detached from the daily events, deeply connected to source, helping others find their way? in a space of no fear and acceptance of what is?
any thoughts on this, psychegram?
To be honest I haven't a clue what the world looks like to the truly awakened. I doubt it can even be communicated to such as we.
"i was wondering why i was so interested in that topic--thinking i was studying what these poor experimental subjects went through. and of course, i'm led to it because i needed to know that i carry programming, too."
Everything we are led to, we are led to for a reason and it is very rarely that we know what that reason is whilst the interest remains strong. To give an example (and another dark secret, though in my personal emotional universe of a lighter shade): during my teenage years, I became quite interested in Satanism, buying many of Anton LaVey's books reading everything I could find on the subject, much of it on the web, and even practicing the occasional ritual. At the time I thought I was a budding black magician, and while I don't think that's the case it was certainly a valuable education in the Left Hand Path way of doing things that has left me with a solid understanding of the methodologies of the opposing team. Quite a bit more, I think, than if I'd started meditating upon my Higher Self or some such at the age of 11.
what's totally cool about that, psychegram, is you can use what you learned in a positive way now...and i assume that's what you're doing. even if you're not consciously working with energy, the things you got into created a point of contrast so you could see what it is you really desired to create in your life. you have to know what you don't want in order to create what you do want.
in this world of duality, it is our gift for without it, we would not be the amazing creators that we are. in fact, providing contrast would be a positive way to look at this intensifying workshop we're living in. it forces us to get off the fence, so to speak, and decide what it is we do want...and then go for it. thank you, overlords! ;-)
Fascinating discussion. This puts me in mind of a book that I've been eyeing, though I'm still ambivalent about purchasing a copy. It's called "The End of Your World" by Adyashanti, and it addresses "life after awakening." Many of the things you, Anonymous and I no doubt have going on. It seems to come in waves though, this enlightenment thing, and there's also "endarkenment" as well. Don't forget that! The dark is comforting, it's where the soul likes to find repose, as Thomas Moore in "Care of the Soul" takes pains to point out.
Psy, I was never into the lefthand path stuff, but in my spiritual practice, I see there are beneficial aspects, particularly in the notion of protection and cleansing. I read a rather dark book that was assigned, and it explained how one can hex another person. The author dryly observed that he didn't really think these were good ideas to pursue. But it was instructive to see how someone could attempt to curse someone and also how to perform countercurses so that whatever a black magician wishes to enact will bounce back on them. To add to what was said earlier, it's good to know these things because some people will make the attempt.
In Huna, there's something called the Hawaiian Death Prayer. If a kahuna has not cleansed himself, he can send this out, and if another kahuna sends the curse back, it will kill the initiator. I would tend it would be difficult to cleanse if a person had a hateful intent. (Better to send a prayer of sexual potency to whatever prickly is ailing ya!)
I sort of think that an amusing societal example of a curse backfiring would be when Pat Robertson attempted some "Christian-blackmagic" and asked Jehovah(Satan) to send a hurricane to Florida during Gay Days at Disneyland. I like to think there were quite a few magicians among them who created a sacred bubble around Orlando, and interestingly enough a hurricane did hit landfall--in VIRGINIA, not too far from Pat Robertson's Christian Broadcasting Network!
Teenage and young adult dabblings seem to come from a rather angry place, and quite a few people in this category just find their way back into their original sectual preferences ;) to pursue that darkness anyway. (It's already there, they just haven't gotten to the pointy parts of the sects yet, llike with the pedophocracy you've alluded to. Think that's just one aspect of these shenanigans.)
Anyway, this is getting far afield from the original post, but it's wonderfully interesting nonetheless. I haven't posted this much on another blog in years.
kinky is using a feather, perverted is using the whole chicken--maybe—do they make little chicken fish-net pantyhose---hmmmmmmm
psych--no matter what you do, you are going to be living by someone else's rules be they based on the bible--societal mores'(geez, there's an oxymoron), what a girlfriend thinks is "normal" behavior, what your friends think...blah blah blah-- and most of them are full of shit, and scared and just go along with the standard deviant deviancy—and are frustrated beyond measure—this isn’t just about what floats your boat sexually--
It’s that fear thing again, in a different package—conspiracy theorist (wacko), gun “nut”—the list goes on and on based not on what a person actually thinks, but what they want someone to think they think (of you or me)—which if that’s what they do, they don’t think—if you enjoy it, and it doesn’t hurt anyone, what’s the problem—other than the one in your head
Stop trying to live up to some kind of “ideal” that’s based on, “what”? Where does all this bullshit come from—I guess that doesn’t matter—just toss it overboard and let it sink—
Personally, I don’t think people are meant to be together for life—I have been married for 20 years, and never once even kissed another woman, but I know that I can do anything I want with anyone I choose (if, of course, they are willing)—but, if I do, what I have now is gone—I guess it’s an agreement of sorts, and it works for us—my wife, obviously, could do the same—I don’t even really think about it in a reality way—it flits across the screen from time to time, but never has seriously—I know where I am, who I am with, and I like it—Not to say that I don’t wish some little hottie’s clothes don’t just magically happen to fall off while I’m walking past but then again—WTF?-it doesn’t matter—I’ll still be going home like I always do—don’t get me wrong either, I know that someone out there could certainly make me smitten and I just don’t go down that road or close to that fire—plus, I’m 51 and only 60 and 70 year olds think I’m hot—my wife lies that I am, and I accept that—tee hee
Congratulations for getting out of your closet, now move forward with your life—that means “YOUR” forward—not mine, or anyone else’s.
When I asked my father about having a high school graduation party, he said: “what for, you’re supposed to graduate”—now get on with it—
Dr. Jj :)
Thanks for the advice, man.
The kind of monogamy you practice is the only kind that makes sense. Both of you treat the other as a free human rather than a caged rat and as a result, both of you are able to continue being just as free as you can (rather than taking on the caged-rat-like aspect of so many married couples) and thus continue being totally content with the partner you're with (I wrote 'have' originally but, what an inappropriate verb!) for as long as you're with them.
Something very similar is how I picture any relationship that 'works' for me. Mutual trust balanced by mutual understanding and independence ... if neither of you can stand on your own how can you hold up the other? As you said, from here on it's forward on my own path and I expect the same of all my companions.
That Adyanshanti book looks ... very interesting. As you noted this thread is abounding with interest and, that's certainly all I can ask. (Incidentally ... dude's white! Did NOT expect that but ... Eminem is 'black' so there you go, I suppose.)
For whatever reason LHP type things exerted a powerful fascination for me for quite some time. It wasn't just the ritual aspects ... it was the music (black metal, Marilyn Manson) ... the philosophy (Nietzche) ... the fashion (yep, all black. Black leather trench coats in fact.) ... the whole package. I went for it all, loved it for a short time and its influences lingered for considerably longer. I'm glad I pulled out of that path before I joined a group and got caught up in some human sacrifice shit (which I thought at the time they were being metaphorical about....) I suppose my time in the army was similar: enough to learn how it's done, and how they think, but ... I got out before I spilled any blood.
The common wisdom is that a relationship, any relationship is a 50-50 proposition...not true
It's 100-100.
"Respect" figures in, in a big way--
That we have been able to grow together in knowledge and wisdom and understand that some of the qualities Juli has, I never will, or at least not to the the extent that she does is huge--and visa versa--
It is also true that you have to have interests, friends, etc. of your own--one of our great learnings was that we became (through osmosis?) Jim and Juli--and lost our individuality which we have since rectified--we spend so much time together--we own our own business together, home schooled the boys, and are, although very sociable, bored with most folks that you have to "work" to get a word out of--definitely not the cocktail circuit type--
You will do well my son--don't over-think it and above all, don't try to force it--whatever "it" is.
Thanks Jim ... between the encouragement I get here and that I receive in person from the wiser of my friends ... it means so much, you know? It's late or I'd be more eloquent.
Thank you. People like you who have a relationship that really works are the real inspiration.
And sorry it took so long for this to make it past moderation ... I only enabled it because the second (!) comment on this piece was spam for a free dating site (not the one I was using, but....) and I didn't want anything more like that to pollute the place.
I really like Jim's sharing about his relationship. You may be a young dude, but those of us who are older in physical years can always be refreshed by a younger person's take on life. I can impart a lot of wisdom to my son, and at the same time, I have learned so much from him.
Thank you, Psychegram, for not letting your age stop you from your wise musings.
(from your first responder on this post)
If I had to be stranded on a desert island and could only take one thing--I know "who" it would be--
Head over to KevinJohn's and look at the video he put up--
There's another Dreamscapes and Night Terrors up: I present for your reading pleasure, Comet Boy!
Which is nothing at all like Astroboy but hopefully entertaining.
And there's another Dreamscapes and Night Terrors installment: Scurvy Logic.
This is remarkable !!
I am reminded of the scene in "Brother Sun, Sister Moon" when Francis strips naked by the public fountain in his village. No longer fettered by the trappings of his life until that moment, he dons rags and becomes 'St. Francis.' Exposure can be a challenging process, as I am being reminded in my excursions on Interesting that you have been the only vistor at 'Dharma Combat.' If you would like to respond to this comment please visit me there. I find it difficult to keep track of more than one site at a time. rudy
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