So I'm walking up my favorite hill this afternoon, taking care not to slip in the mud left behind by the last couple of rainy days, and for some reason halfway up or so an image pops into my mind, of a guy sitting at the top of a hill meditating, opening his eyes and seeing a hawk climbing a thermal in front of him. It entered by way of thinking over what to write for my next Dreamscapes and Night Terrors story (yes, I know, it's been a while. Writer's block is a bitch.) and while the image was all very well and good it wasn't much to hang a story on so I discarded it.
So, I get to the top of the hill, a large granite outcrop covered with lichen with an inukshuk standing on the highest point. I have a pee off the cliff side, find a place to sit, settle down, put on the headphones to get some binaural beats going, assume a mudra, and commence my daily meditation routine. Still the mind with my mantra ... go through a visualization/affirmation I've developed ... massage my chakras open one by one and then draw my kundalini up through it ... finishing off with the Hathors' Holon of Ascension (which I've been practicing daily for a while, but particularly the past couple of weeks in preparation for the Holon of Planetary Ascension this coming Sunday.)
The binaural beat track was still going when I finished holon, and I fully intended on completing the hour, for the purpose developing my will if nothing else. But ... for some reason I had an irresistable urge to open my eyes and there, right in front of me and very close were five turkey vultures circling over the trees.
Now, a turkey vulture is not a hawk, but country boy though I am I've been known to misidentify the two before and so ... I have absolutely no idea what to make of the whole experience. Coincidence? An omen, good or bad? (can a vulture be a good omen?) Temporal bleedthrough?
I don't know.
But it was very, very strange.
"Here is A Little Introspective about President Trump... Elon Musk...
Ketamine and God. Yes... Especially About God."
God Poet Transmitting.......
Time for a particular strain of Truth. It is my aspiration to tell the
truth, even though that is really not possible... wi...
1 day ago
Winter's over. The spring babies will show up very soon. Those that survived that is.
I've seen it here too. Lots more Vultures than usual. Every day lately. With the snows leaving, those animals that laid underneath dead were not seen until the weather cleared. The Hawks like live prey. The Vultures want fresh carcasses which the snows have refrigerated nicely. Also, the mating rituals are in full swing prompting lots of aerial ballet.
You'd think I'd've known that, being a country boy, but, well ... a misspent youth with my nose buried in a book, dreaming of alien landscapes whilst being oblivious to the land around me, and ... that landscape became alien....
Still and all, it wasn't so much that there were vultures that surprised me, it was that they appeared before me when and as they did ... that's what caused the short hairs to stand straight.
What is it with the tribe and birds of late.
Inspired by Ben, have taken to once again resuming early morning walks with the dogs.
Before setting off this morning went into the garden to check on all the newly hatched baby chicks (48) in all. Something moved past me but without making a noise. Swooped.
I looked up in the tree and there was a black eagle, right in the garden. I guess he looked down at the guineas and chicks from way on high and came closer for inspection. So beautiful and rare to see one so close it took my breath away.
Wow, that's amazing! I've never been so close to a large bird of prey, either hawk or eagle (not that we get eagles in this part of the world....)
It certainly seems as if some sort of avian archetype is impinging on the tribe's consciousness. What it means is hard to say, but ... the 'feeling' I got when I saw the vultures was not at all negative, nor do either you or Les seem to have reacted badly so ... if these are omens, perhaps they are good ones.
I know a little about vultures and the mysticism thereof. Vulture is the 16th Mayan Day sign, and is about repurposing dead matter. ("Obviously.")
It might be a sign for you that there are beliefs/energies, etc. that you are thinking of discarding, but instead probably should be transformed somehow. Perhaps you could read up on Huna traditions or Draja Mickaharick's Spiritual Cleansing for ideas of practical tasks you can do.
In my Feri practice there are secret things we do--secret not so much to be snarky, but because we have a reverence for the tools, and because they're "spiritual chainsaws." Some of these things that operate at a very subtle level turn out to cut very deeply and without one's knowledge. You're chipping away thinking "nothing's happening" and all of a sudden, you realize that the whole glacier has shifted. Whoa!
All in all, I'd say the vultures' appearance--and that there were FIVE of them, signifying a challenge, in keeping with numerological/Tarot understandings--is a prod to start that aspect of your work, my friend.
But these are my own personal ideas. Your own dialogue with the higher Turkey Vulture spirit might offer a different perspective.
Upon my death I have always wanted to be fed to the vultures.
Unfortunately there are none around here, but the kids say they will take me up north. They did request however, that I died in winter so as not to necessitate a refrigerated van.
Number 5 is the number I am least drawn to - and must therefor be the number to ponder upon.
Frostwolf, that's certainly something to think about. I don't know a lot about those kinds of things but ... that's why I know people like you ;)
Burial by vulture ... certainly a more dramatic way to go than being slowly eaten by worms. And honest, too. It's brave of your children to agree to that, though....
I have to go over to Origami now and lay down some bird on glass observations. They will smash into clean glass accidentally thinking the reflections are just more sky. Instant death. Inside the flocks, word gets out among them a barrier exists at that location and the skeptics will check it out for themselves.
The answer is of course, don't wash the outside of your windows and preferably, use screens. Its a sad sad thing to learn about the softness and gleaming chestnut amber belly feathers of a father Quail by having to carry him to a visible spot in the hill for quick recyling.
Also, this is exactly the time the migrators, such as the Dark-Eyed Juncos, leave on their long journeys to cooler temps. The books will tell you they come back in September, but that isn't it at all. They came back late last October when the first chill of winter blew in. This is the time to keep our bird feeders brimming and extra fresh water bowls everywhere since they need strength to make the journey north. Godspeed.
I don't mean to disregard the spiritual meanings in any way with "birder observations". The things I've mentioned here have more questions than answers. For example, how is it that word gets out? How is it that some know and other never will? Who decides where to migrate and when? Is it really the weather that decides or is it when the spring babies mature enough to achieve flight endurance?
When Raptors, Vultures or Bobcats are close to me, it feels more like they are sizing me up trying to figure out if I am worth the trouble to satisfy their hunger.
A large banded pidgeon just hit the clearstory window --- owwwww.
Yesterday, I read Les Visible's blog and was transported when I read your comments. Then I found your blogs and started reading. And I read your short stories. I am captivated. You have a command of words that paint a picture that speaks to me of truth, that opens my heart.
Psychegram, you can't know how many people you affect with your soulful, inspiring musings. I wasn't going to comment, as I normally don't. But I'm compelled to tell you. Thank you!
Why thank you. Thank you very much ... that was both touching and encouraging.
And now I feel guilty for not writing any stories these past couple of weeks.... ;)
I hope you really don't feel guilty, Psychegram. You've given so much already.
Can I say that I feel enormous gratitude for finding you? I used that gratitude to connect with the BA and open the energy. You gave me the link to the Hathors and you provided the stimulus for my enormous gratitude. What a gift!
Your writings are exactly what I've been searching for--truthfulness about our present frightening physical reality and inclusion of the deeper spiritual realms we must access to navigate this adventure.
Many blessings and thanks to you!
How did that comment slip through without my noticing? I didn't see it until I was checking up the thread under 'Carbon' and was like, 'what, I have another comment at my place!?'
(Well, I'm sure that didn't hurt as much as it did that poor pigeon....)
When I was a teenager I found a bird that had flown into a window and then fallen into an old aquarium we'd left sitting on the deck, where it had filled with rain water. The species was unidentifiable when I found it, as it had become merely a bird-shaped smear of green scum in the still water....
(Yeah, and guess who got to clean that up.)
I had no idea there were birds that migrated towards cold weather, being familiar primarily with the ill-tempered geese that for some reason bear my country's name. You, Nina, are a font of fascination.
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